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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Pustular Eruptions

Pustular psoriasis is an uncommon form of psoriasis. People with pustular psoriasis have clearly defined, raised bumps on the skin that are filled with pus (pustules). The skin under and around these bumps is reddish. Pustular psoriasis may cause large portions of your skin to redden. The skin changes that occur before, during, or after an episode of pustular psoriasis can be similar to those of regular psoriasis.
Following homoeopathic medicines may helpful for Pustulur eruptions
(1) Asterias rubens-
-         Considered as one of the chief dugs for treating acne
-         Itchy acne
-         Skin seems less elastic
-         Acne eruptions with fetid pus
-         Acne rosacea
-         Acne affecting back, shoulders, sides of nose, chin
-         Flabby patient with lymphatic constitution
-         Sycotic diathesis
-         Sexual excitement in both sexes
-         Fear of bad news in adolescent girls
-         Worse coffee, left side

(2) Belladonna-
-         Red hot facial skin
-         Scarlet rash-like acne
-         Suddenly spreading acne lesions
-         Alternate redness and dullness of skin
-         Pustular eruptions on skin
-         Skin feels smoothly red but burns
-         Acne leading to swelling of glands of neck, chin
-         Bluish red acne lesions
-         Shiny red eruptions

(3) Dulcamara-
-         One of the underrated remedies for acne
-         Humid eruptions on face
-         Acne lesions itch, worse in cold wet weather
-         Vesicular eruptions
-         Small boils spreading uniformly across the face, forehead
-         May be associated with warty eruptions on hands and face
-         Acne worse around the menstrual period
-         Mucus membrane affections are often the concomitant
-         Worse by cold in any form, better by warmth

(4) Merc sol-
-         Syphilitic acne
-         Earthy, puffy, dirty-looking face
-         Pustular acne
-         Constantly perspiring skin
-         A big pimple surrounded by many small pimples
-         Itchy eruptions worse from the warmth of bed
-         Eruptions in private parts, buttocks
-         Skin and mucus membranes affected at the same time
-         Yellowing brown or greenish pus from Pustular acne, may be streaked with thin blood
-         Extremely fetid suppuration
-         Worse extremes of temperature, night, dampness, perspiration

(5) Graphites-
-         Cobweb sensation on face is one of the most marked features of Graph
-         Itching pimples
-         Constipated bowels is a frequent accompaniment
-         Rough hard skin of face
-         Persistent dryness of skin
-         Acne oozing out a sticky exudation
-         Pimply eruptions behind ears
-         Unhealthy skin with tendency to suppurate
-         Redness of face
-         Burning acne with think sticky discharges
-         Worse warmth, during and after menses
-         Better in dark room

(6) Bovista-
-         Acne in sensitive girls
-         Crusty eruptions around mouth and nostrils
-         Acne from over-use of cosmetics
-         Swollen look of cheeks
-         Sensitive skin with tendency to leave deep impression with blunt instruments
-         Itchy eruptions
-         May have had an attack of urticaria or tendency to recurrent urticaria
-         Pimples covering the entire body
-         Acne always worse in summer

(7) Radium brom-
-         Acne rosacea with red pimply rashes
-         Small eruptions with itching, burning, swelling, and redness
-         Excessive itching with burning of skin as if on fire
-         Painful pimples
-         Acne with scars that take long time to heal
-         May be associated with itchy dermatitis of skin and/or trophic changes in fingernails
-         Acne seem worse after getting up in the morning
-         Better in open air and hot bath

(8) Arnica-
-         Painful acne with sore bruised feeling in skin
-         Sunken red face with heat feeling on lips
-         Itchy burning pimples
-         Acne may occur in crops; one heals and the new eruption rises near it
-         Indurated acne characterized by symmetry in distribution
-         Bluish look of skin with tendency to form boils
-         Worse by tough, wine

(9) Kali brom-
-         Itchy pimples on face, chest, shoulders, etc
-         Pustular rashes
-         Anesthetic feeling in skin of face and mucus membranes
-         Exaggerated sexual desire in females suffering from acne during menses
-         Extremely fidgety hands is on of the main features of the drug
-         Horrific dreams and grinding of teeth in sleep is often an accompaniment
-         Worse warmth

(10)  Calcarea sulph-
      - Suppurative tendency of the skin
       - Pustular jagged eruptions with oozing of yellow mucus
       -Facial pimples
      -Unhealthy skin with yellowing scabs
       - Many small pimples under the hair that bleed when scratched
     -  Purulent exudations from acne
       -Acne lesions that do not heal fast

   (11)  Ant Crud
For homeopathic employment, the mental symptoms and those of the gastric sphere, determine its choice. Excessive irritability and fretfulness, together with a thickly-coated white tongue, are true guiding symptoms to many forms of disease calling for this remedy. All the conditions are aggravated by heat and cold bathing. Cannot bear heat of sun. Tendency to grow fat. An absence of pain, where it could be expected, is noticeable. Gout with gastric symptoms.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Mind ailments: Much concerned about his fate. Cross and contradictive; whatever is done fails to give satisfaction. Sulky; does not wish to speak. Peevish; vexed without cause. Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at. Angry at every little attention. Sentimental mood.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Head ailments: Aching, worse in vertex, on ascending, from bathing, from disordered stomach, especially from eating candy or drinking acid wines. Suppressed eruptions. Heaviness in forehead with vertigo; nausea, and nosebleed. Headache with great loss of hair.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Eyes ailments: Dull, sunken, red, itch, inflamed, agglutinated. Canthi raw and fissured. Chronic blepharitis. Pustules on cornea and lids.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Ears ailments: Redness; swelling; pain in eustachian tube. Ringing and deafness. Moist eruption around ear.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Nose ailments: Nostrils chapped and covered with crusts. Eczema of nostrils, sore, cracked and scurfy.Antimonium crudum treatment for Face ailments: Pimples, pustules, and boils on face. Yellow crusted eruption on cheeks and chin. Sallow and haggard.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Mouth ailments: Cracks in corners of mouth. Dry lips. Saltish saliva. Much slimy mucus. Tongue coated thick white, as if whitewashed. Gums detach from teeth; bleed easily. Toothache in hollow teeth. Rawness of palate, with expectoration of much mucus. Canker sores. Pappy taste. No thirst. Subacute eczema about mouth.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Throat ailments: Much thick yellowish mucus from posterior nares. Hawking in open air. Laryngitis. Rough voice from over use.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Stomach ailments: Loss of appetite. Desire for acids, pickles. Thirst in evening and night. Eructation tasting of the ingesta. Heartburn, nausea, vomiting. After nursing, the child vomits its milk in curds, and refuses to nurse afterwards, and is very cross. Gastric and intestinal complaints from bread and pastry, acids, sour wine, cold bathing, overheating, hot weather. Constant belching. Gouty metastasis to stomach and bowels. Sweetish waterbrash. Bloating after eating.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Stool ailments: Anal itching (Sulpho-calc. Alum). diarrhoea alternates with constipation, especially in old people. Diarrhoea after acids, sour wine, baths, overeating; slimy, flatulent stools. Mucous piles, continued oozing of mucus. Hard lumps mixed with watery discharge. Catarrhal proctitis. Stools composed entirely of mucus.
Urine: Frequent, with burning, and backache; turbid and foul odor.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Male ailments: Eruption on scrotum and about genitals. Impotence. Atrophy of penis and testicles.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Female ailments: Excited; parts itch. Before menses, toothache; menses too early and profuse. Menses suppressed from cold bathing, with feeling of pressure in pelvis and tenderness in ovarian region. Leucorrhoea watery; acrid, lumpy.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Respiratory ailments: Cough worse coming into warm room, with burning sensation in chest, itching of chest, oppression. Loss of voice from becoming overheated. Voice harsh and badly pitched.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Back ailments: Itching and pain of neck and back.
Extremities: Twitching of muscles. Jerks in arms. Arthritic pain in fingers. Nails brittle; grow out of shape. Horny warts on hands and soles. Weakness and shaking of hands in writing followed by offensive flatulence. Feet very tender; covered with large horny places. Inflamed corns. Pain in heels.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Skin ailments: Eczema with gastric derangements. Pimples, vesicles, and pustules. Sensitive to cold bathing. Thick, hard, honey-colored scabs. Urticaria; measle-like eruption. Itching when warm in bed. Dry skin. Warts (Thuja; Sabina; Caust). Dry gangrene. Scaly, pustular eruption with burning and itching, worse at night.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Sleep ailments: Continual drowsiness in old people.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Fever ailments: Chilly even in warm room. Intermittent with disgust, nausea, vomiting, eructations, coated tongue, diarrhoea. Hot sweat.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Modalities ailments: Worse, in evening, from heat, acids, wine, water, and washing. Wet poultices. Better, in open air, during rest. Moist warmth.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Relationship ailments: Antimonium crudum treatment for Compare ailments: Antimonium Chloridum. Butter of Antimony (A remedy for cancer. Mucous membranes destroyed. Abrasions. Skin cold and clammy. Great prostration of strength. Dose-third trituration).
Antimon iodat (Uterine hyperplasia; humid asthma. Pneumonia and bronchitis; loss of strength, and appetite, yellowish skin, sweaty, dull and drowsy). In sub-acute and chronic colds in chest which have extended downwards from head and have fastened themselves upon the bronchial tubes in the form of hard, croupy cough with a decided wheeze and inability to raise the sputum, especially in the aged and weak patients (Bacmeister). Stage of resolution of pneumonia slow and delayed.
Compare: Kermes mineral-Stibiat sulph rub (Bronchitis). Also Puls, Ipecac, Sulph.
Complementary: Sulph.
Antidote: Hepar.
Antimonium crudum treatment for Dose ailments: Third to sixth potency.
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Mercurial effects

If you are heavy, it could be making you sick and tired and age prematurely. And I don't mean heavy with fat ...

I mean heavy with heavy metals -- like mercury!

Unfortunately, toxic mercury problems are common. Along with polar bears, beluga whales, ducks, otters, panthers, and all river fish as well as most large ocean fish, we humans are poisoning ourselves with mercury at ever increasing rates.

There's no doubt about it, mercury is the most alarming, disease-causing source of environmental toxicity that I see daily in my practice. Many of patients have toxic levels of mercury -- and they're not alone. I personally suffered from mercury toxicity and chronic fatigue syndrome --which I cured myself from, in part by getting rid of the mercury in my body. So I know about this first hand.

I became toxic because I polluted myself by growing up on tuna fish sandwiches, eating sushi, living in Beijing, which heats all its homes with coal -- the major source of environmental mercury load -- and having a mouthful of amalgam (a.k.a. mercury) fillings.

All of these exposures, combined with genes that prevent me from effectively detoxifying metals in my body, led to a slow and significant poisoning of my cells and mitochondria. And the effects were obvious ...

I felt weak, tired, and couldn't think. I had muscle pain and twitches, insomnia, digestive problems, food allergies, depression, and anxiety. And it was only by discovering high levels of mercury in my hair and urine -- and slowly detoxifying myself -- that I was able to get better.

I have seen this over and over in my patients, too. From chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, to depression, anxiety, obesity, dementia, Parkinson's disease, cancer, heart failure, and heart disease, the message is clear ...

We are being poisoned!

This is such an important public health and personal issue for so many people that I'm going to use this blog and next week's blog to fully explain the extent of mercury issues and give you a comprehensive plan for reducing your exposure and healing from mercury toxicity. I'll show you the science behind mercury toxicity, share some stories about my patients who have suffered, and talk about the way we need to deal with this major health problem.

First, I'd like to share with you what I learned at one of the most important international conferences on mercury yet to be held. It was called "The Impact of Mercury on Human Health and the Environment" and was presented at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans.

There, a unique international group of policymakers, environmental scientists, toxicologists, biochemists, journalists, academic physicians, practicing pediatricians, neurologists, and dentists gathered.

We were there to make sense of the environmental impact, toxicology, basic science, public policy and health implications of one the least studied and perhaps greatest potential threats to our long-term health -- mercury. And I want to share some of what I learned at that conference with you.

Mercury Levels Are on the Rise

Barry Kohl, Ph.D. is an adjunct professor in the department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Tulane University. At the conference he provided a unique overview of the impact of industrialization on environmental mercury levels through a description of the levels of mercury in the ice core extracted from the pristine Freemont Glacier in Wyoming.

There were small peaks in mercury concentration in the ice core from the 1815 Tambora volcanic eruption in Indonesia, the 1850-84 gold rush in California where mercury was used for smelting, the eruption in 1883 of the Sumatran volcano Krakatau 10,000 miles away, and the more recent Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980.

Overall, the changes in environmental mercury levels have been dramatic. Over the past 100 years, there has been a 30-fold increase in mercury deposition, 70 percent of which is from human sources.
In fact, there was an exponential peak in mercury occurring in the last 40 years due to major industrialization. Much of this mercury comes from coal-fired industrial plants and from chlor-alkali plants that use mercury in the process of making chlorine used in plastics, pesticides, PVC pipes, and more.

One note of hope was the reduction in industrial mercury emissions from 220 million pounds to 120 million pounds a year over the last 10 years. But that's small consolation when we're talking about a substance that is toxic in parts per million, not in millions of pounds.

And the more mercury we are exposed to, the more we are likely we are to be toxic.

Risk Increases with Dose

Harvey Clewell from the ENVIRON Health Sciences Institute, Ruston, Louisiana, reviewed the epidemiologic studies from the Seychelles and Faroe islands. He showed that your risk of toxicity increases with higher doses of mercury.

Now, there are different types of mercury. Nearly all human exposures to one type, methylmercury, come from fish.

In the Seychelle Islands, there seemed be little effect on kids from mercury; however their fish consumption was predominately from low-risk small reef fish that don't contain much mercury.

On the other hand, in the Faroe Islands people eat whale blubber, which contains high levels of mercury -- over three parts per million. There, high levels of mercury were found in umbilical cord blood and correlated with reduced performance in neurologic testing in 917 mother-infant pairs.

The health effects from methyl mercury upon infants and children depend on the dose. Severe symptoms start with exposure to doses of 100 mcg/kg/day, mild symptoms with more than 10 mcg/kg/day, and sub-clinical symptoms with less than 1 mcg/kg/day. These symptoms include late development in walking and talking and decreased performance on neurological tests.

Dr. Clewell also reviewed the limitations of various forms of testing for mercury.

Methylmercury (also called organic mercury) is found predominately in red blood cells, which is what doctors check when they do a blood test for mercury. But unless you've been eating fish with mercury recently, you won't see your total body level of mercury.

Plus, mercury is lipophilic, meaning that it concentrates in fatty tissues, especially in the brain, which is made mostly of fat. That means that blood levels aren't an accurate measurement of total body burden of mercury.

Inorganic mercury from dental fillings (amalgams) is found in plasma but is rapidly cleared and stored in your tissues. Inorganic mercury is also converted from methylmercury by the body and is the main form of mercury in brain, which can lead to dementia, autism, ADHD and more.

All of these are reasons you need to get comprehensive testing done to assess you total mercury load. I will review the test you need in a moment, but first I want to talk about how mercury gets in your body and what it does to your body and brain.

Health Effects of Mercury

We get mercury in our bodies from many different sources including mercury vapors in ambient air, ingesting it via drinking water, fish, dental amalgams, vaccines, occupational exposures, home exposures including fluorescent light bulbs, thermostats, batteries, red tattoo dye, skin-lightening creams, over-the-counter products such as contact lens fluid and neosynephrine, and more.

You absorb about 80 percent of inhaled mercury vapor and nearly 100 percent of the mercury in fish through your gut.

Once this mercury is in your body it is then primarily distributed in the kidneys and brain and can be readily transferred to the fetus via the placenta.

The only way it can get out of your body is via urine, feces, expired air, and breast milk.
The major reason it is toxic to human biology is because mercury has the ability to bind to sulfur-containing molecules in the body (found in nearly every enzyme and in the mitochondria), as well as other chemical binding sites in the cells.

We've learned a lot about how this mercury effects us and our children from reported exposures to mercury over the last 100 years. These include epidemics such as the Minimata Bay exposures in Japan, acrodynia or pink disease in children from calomel (HgCl) used in teething powder, "mad hatter syndrome" or erethism, and methylmercury fungicide grain seed exposures in Iraq and Pakistan.

The symptoms and diseases these exposures have caused are varied and mimic many other conditions. Nervous system toxicity can cause erethism ("mad hatter syndrome" as mentioned above) with symptoms of shyness; laughing, crying, and dramatic mood swings for no apparent reason; nervousness, insomnia, memory problems, and the inability to concentrate.

Other neurologic symptoms may include encephalopathy (non-specific brain malfunction), nerve damage, Parkinsonian symptoms, tremor, ataxia (loss of balance), impaired hearing, tunnel vision, dysarthria (slurred speech), headache, fatigue, impaired sexual function, and depression.

Kidney toxicity leads to proteinura (protein in the urine) and acute renal failure.

Gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and colitis.

Skin toxicity causes allergic dermatitis, chelitis (cracked corners of the mouth), gingivitis (gum disease), stomatitis (sores in the mucous membranes of the mouth) and excessive salivation.

Clearly, mercury toxicity is VERY serious business!

Dentistry and Mercury

One of the more controversial sources of mercury toxicity is dental fillings. Silver dental fillings, or amalgams, contain inorganic mercury. Mercury exposure from amalgams is estimated to be between 3 to 17 micrograms per day from chewing, brushing, grinding, and even slow corrosion.

Questions have arisen about whether or not this amount is toxic ... I am going to clear up the confusion here.

A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found no significant neurologic or behavioral changes in children who had mercury amalgam (silver) fillings, compared to kids who had composite (white) fillings placed. But there were significant problems with that study ...

First, the duration of the study was short and the effects subtle. Second, they failed to emphasize the significance of the fact that the kids who had the silver fillings had much higher levels of mercury in their urine than the kids with white fillings.

This is one of the most important details of that study, because it proves that mercury fillings in your mouth release mercury vapor that is absorbed into your body, ending up in your urine. It is deposited in your organs, including your brain, where it accumulates over time.

Whether your fillings are new or old, the mercury in them is constantly absorbed into your body. And even if you stop being exposed to that mercury, it sticks around. It takes up to 18 years for the body to clear half of the dose of mercury from the body. Once mercury is in the body it comes out only VERY slowly.

In fact, people with amalgam fillings have significantly elevated blood mercury levels, three to five times more mercury in the urine, and two to twelve times more mercury in their tissues than those without amalgam fillings.

However blood and urine mercury levels don't necessarily relate to the mercury load in your body tissues or severity of clinical symptoms.

Research on sheep and monkeys with dental amalgams has shown that blood mercury levels remained low -- even though their tissue mercury levels were raised.

Urine mercury levels aren't much better as an indicator of your total mercury load. They mainly reflect the cumulative dose of inorganic mercury in the kidneys and there exists only a very weak correlation with levels in other target tissues.

Another speaker at the conference, Mike Robichaux, a practicing dentist, reviewed his experience with removal of amalgams fillings. He showed a remarkable video of mercury vapor being released from a 25-year-old tooth. You can watch it on the website of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.

But other dentists aren't so concerned. In fact, the American Dental Association still says it is safe to use mercury or silver fillings. That's something I've always wondered about, since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers old mercury fillings that have been removed from the body toxic waste that has to be disposed as such.

Let me put this another way. It's apparently all right to put mercury fillings in your mouth -- but not to throw them out in the garbage!

The danger of amalgam fillings has been confirmed by research from around the world.

At the conference, Anders Lindvall, M.D., from the Foundation for Metal Biology in Sweden, reported his work on the health effects of dental amalgams and presented a review of the controversial literature on dental amalgams and human health.

Many of his patients reported a symptom complex consistent with chronic fatigue syndrome that they believed were related to dental amalgams. So in 1990, Dr. Lindvall began a study at Uppsala University Hospital in Sweden to diagnose and treat 796 patients with suspected amalgam-related illness and to develop and evaluate diagnostic tools to assess toxicity from dental amalgams. (i)

Besides conventional measures of quality of life and symptoms, unique laboratory assessments were used to determine the presence and immunological toxicity of metals.

One was PIXE, an accelerator-based test on single blood cells that assesses intracellular levels of trace elements, which showed that, in lymphocytes (white blood cells), mercury is found in the nucleus, particularly in places where zinc is low.

The other was MELISA, a test of lymphocyte reactivity to metal compounds. Information about the MELISA test is available at (ii)

Dr. Lindvall's patients were treated with antioxidants (B complex vitamins, vitamins C and E, and selenium); infections and jaw dysfunction were addressed; and selective removal of any incompatible dental material was performed using low-emission amalgam removal techniques and bio-compatible materials to replace the amalgams.

The cost of these procedures was covered by national health insurance.

Laboratory follow up at one year showed over 70 percent of patients reported significant improvement in symptoms after amalgam removal!

Unfortunately, this study had some problems too ...

The clinic was closed after the study was published, so there was no further access allowed to the records, which contained over 1,000 untreated patients who could have served as a control group. And since 1999, amalgam dental restorations in Sweden are no longer covered by insurance.

But Dr. Lindvall's study still suggests that silver amalgams can cause health problems -- and that removing the fillings can help relieve these problems.

And other studies have had similar effects.

Research has found that patients with chronic fatigue and autoimmune thyroiditis show improvement in their health status after their amalgam fillings are replaced with composites. (iii)

In another study, 71 percent of people with autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, improved after amalgam removal. Low-dose exposure to inorganic mercury may be a contributing factor in the development of autoimmune diseases. (iv)

Animal and lab studies suggest that exposure to metallic mercury may cause nerve cell damage and promote the production the plaques found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. (v)

Plus, we know that mercury levels in the human placenta correlate with the number of maternal amalgam fillings -- and a substantial amount of mercury from amalgams reaches the fetus.

Worse, mercury from dental amalgams in pregnant women may also contribute to development of autism in their children. In one study, mothers of 94 autistic children had statistically more amalgam fillings during pregnancy than 49 mothers of healthy kids. (vi)

In contrast to their higher mercury exposure during pregnancy, these autistic children had reduced mercury levels in their first haircut (mercury exposure can be measured in human hair). This may reflect a reduced capacity to excrete mercury from their body, which in turn may lead to elevated brain mercury levels.

And approximately 20 percent of the general public may experience sub-clinical central nervous system and/or kidney function impairment due to amalgam fillings.

When taken collectively, the research forces us to question the safety of dental amalgams. In my view, there is no doubt about it ... they are a danger.

But before you start yanking out your fillings, there is something else to consider ...

Genetic Variations in the Ability to Detoxify

Some of us are very good at detoxifying mercury and other toxins, while some of us store toxins like a toxic waste dump. Genetic variations (called polymorphisms) make some people more prone to metal toxicity.

One gene in particular is very important because it's related to the body's production of glutathione, our most powerful detoxifier and antioxidant. Your body can only excrete mercury when it's bound with glutathione.

The polymorphism of the gene that controls the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GSST) prevents excretion of mercury. That is the gene problem I have that led to my mercury toxicity.
When that happens, the mercury stays in tissues and does damage. Plus, mercury also binds to key enzymes that help us produce glutathione -- in effect helping itself accumulate in our bodies.

Research also shows that people suffering from symptoms like fatigue, irritability, mood disorders, poor concentration, headaches, and insomnia due to their amalgam fillings are more likely than their peers to have the apolipoprotein E 4 (ApoE 4) gene. (vii)

ApoE 4 is known as the "Alzheimer's gene." It also promotes heart disease. ApoE 4 reduces detoxifying activity. This means that people with this gene can't get rid of mercury from their brains, contributing to its toxic effects on this organ.

I know this all sounds very depressing. And it is. But the good news is that there are things you can do to reduce your exposure -- and identify if you have toxic levels of mercury.
So let me sum up what we learned in this week's blog and offer some suggestions for reducing your exposure.

10 Truths and Tips about Mercury Toxicity

1. Industrial exposure to mercury is significant and mostly comes from coal burning (220 million pounds a year) and chlor-alkali plants.

2. The main ways that humans are exposed to mercury are from contaminated fish and dental amalgams or silver fillings.

3. Mercury can affect nearly all your organs, especially the brain, heart, kidneys, and gut.

4. Many chronic diseases may be caused or worsened by mercury, including neurologic disease, ADHD, autism, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and more.

5. Some of us are genetically better adapted to detoxify mercury than others, leading to variable effects within the population.

6. You should reduce your exposure by avoiding large ocean fish (like tuna, swordfish, shark, and tilefish) and river fish. Eat only small wild fish. If it fits in your pan, it is probably okay.

7. Blood tests are relatively worthless for analyzing mercury toxicity, unless you have had a significant recent exposure or eat a lot of sushi or tuna.

8. Hair tests only check for mercury from fish, not from fillings so they only give you a partial picture.

9. The only way to find out your total body load of mercury is to take a medication with sulfur molecules that binds to the mercury like fly paper. This is called DMSA or DMPS.

This test should ONLY be done by a trained physician and involves taking one dose of this medicine, followed by a 6- or 24-hour urine collection to see how much comes out. (In my opinion, the most reliable testing is done by

10. If you are toxic and sick, you may consider addressing your dental health by seeing a biological dentist who can safely help you deal with mercury in your mouth.

Going to see a conventional dentist who drills out your fillings without any precautions or protection can lead to serious health consequences. I strongly advise against it. However, amalgam filling removal CAN be done safely and effectively done by a dentist trained in the correct techniques.

That's all for this week. Next week, I'll give you more advice on how to safely eliminate the mercury in your body if you find you are toxic. Finding out if you are poisoned by mercury, limiting your exposures, and getting the mercury out of your body is absolutely critical if you want to achieve lifelong vibrant health.

If you would like to read more of the extensive research on the biologic effects of mercury and toxins on human health, please link to this extensive online bibliography. If you have any doubt about the evidence of harm across a broad range of health conditions of mercury, you must do your homework and review the research yourself.

(i) Lindh U. Removal of dental amalgam and other metal alloys supported by antioxidant therapy alleviates symptoms and improves quality of life in patients with amalgam-associated ill health. Neuroendocrinology Letters 2002; 23(5/6):459-482.

(ii) Stejskal V. Metal-specific lymphocytes: biomarkers of sensitivity in man. Neuroendocrinology Letters 1999;20:289-298.

(iii) Sterzl I., et al. Mercury and nickel allergy: Risk factors in fatigue and autoimmunity. Neuroendocrinology Letters. 1999; 20: 221-228.

(iv) Prochazkova, J., et al. The beneficial effect of amalgam replacement on health in patients with autoimmunity. Neuroendocrinology Letters. 2004; 25(3): 211-218.

(v) Stejskal, J. and Stejskal, V. The role of metals in autoimmunity and the link to neuroendocrinology. Neuroendocrinology Letters. 1999; 20: 351-364.

(vi) Holmes, A.S., et al. Reduced levels of mercury in first baby haircuts of autistic children. International Journal of Toxicology. 2003. 22(4): 277-285.

(vii) Wojcik, D.P. et al. Mercury toxicity presenting as chronic fatigue, memory impairment, and depression: Diagnosis, treatment, susceptibility, and outcomes in a New Zealand practice setting (1994-2006). 2006. Neuroendocrinology Letters. 27(4): 415-423.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SOURCE-Dr.Mark Hyman, MD 
Monday, November 24, 2014

Alopecia (baldness)

Alopecia can be congenital (existing from birth or before), premature or senile ( old ).  Here alopecia, means a patchy baldness of a temporary nature.  The causes of baldness are unknown, but shock and anxiety are common factors for alopecia.  In some cases, a circular patchy baldness is due to the hair folliculitis or micro-insect dewelling in the certain portion of the head which afterward goes on destroying the roots of hair-causing failing of hair with appearance of round bald spot (alopecia) over scalp, eye-brows on beard (barber's itch is sometimes, developed after the action of such micro insect dewelling in the scalp or in the skin of beard).  The set prescriptions are used as under to cure the patchy baldness of temporary nature:-
 1. Thuja-30 or 200 - two doses per day or one dose every week and Thuja-Q for external use, two times a day, to cure white scaly dandruff or alopecia when the patient is having history of sycosis.
 2. Aloe-30, be used in alopecia whenever it is indicated with its guiding symptoms.
 3. Mobiloil of pure quality be used externally in all cases of alopecia for quick cure, as it is an anticeptic and destroys all micro-organisms (insects) dwelling in the affected spot.
 Case no. 38 
 A boy of 21, had alopecia-baldness on the beard and vertex with constipated bowels, itching and burning of anus, better by cold water application little fissure of anus with pain during stool, patient liked cool open air.  He was given - Aloe-30, two times a day and Mobil-oil for external use, patient had speedy cure within 15 days and complete cure in all troubles within one month.
 4. Acid Fluor. 30, in cases of dry, scurfy, pimply itching scalp, great falling of hair with syphilitic base, hair dry matting, breaking when combing, they become lusterless, and rugged in masses fall out and do not grow hereafter, be given morning and evening for about 5-0 weeks with external application of Mobil-oil on the circular patches.
 Case no. 39 
 A girl of 10 years, had alopecia with congestion of blood in the head causing acute headache.  Pain in the bones of arms, legs, bruised and aching pains all over the body, urine smelt pungent, she had weak memory, great debility, anaemia and vertigo when walking and rising from lying position.  Caries of teeth and sweating of hands and feet, worse in warmth.
 Patient was given Fluoric acid-30, morning and evening and Calc. phos-200, one dose every week - that no other medicine on this day.  Patient was cured of the alopecia within 5 weeks, hair started growing thick with the cure of bones pain.
 5. Grdphites. 30, be given when there is failing of hair due to barber's itch causing great itching of the scalp, bald spots on the sides of the head, sweating of head, it may be alternated with Sepia-30, when there is itching of scalp, weak roots of the hair - hair folliculitis-causing great fall in the hair during combing.  Oozing of sticky fluid at the root of hair which forms scab on the scalp.
 6. Lyco. 30, be given after every 4 hours, in alternation with Calc. phos. 6x-in cases of falling of hair in bunches, leaving patches here and there with weak hair follicles and premature grey hair.  Patient is having great craving for sweets, hut has thin dried slim constitution full of gas.
                                                                                                                               By Dr.Gupta
Friday, November 21, 2014


A complete or partial, temporary or permanent loss of muscular power, movement or sensation in any part of the body. There is paralysis of the arm, leg, upper arm and lower leg of one side of the body, of both legs, urinary organs, tongue, lower bowels, etc. The degree of paralysis depends upon the nature of the underlying disease and its distribution in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves or muscles.
 Causes :
 Paralysis is caused by damage to the nerve supply which may in turn be the result of disease, trauma, cerebro-vascular accident (damage of blood vessels of the brain) or it may be due to ischaemia i.e. , deficient blood supply to the part affected). The sudden onset of paralysis is commonly called a stroke of paralysis - affecting usually one side of the body, because it is the result of an interruption of the flow of blood to the brain by clotting (thrombosis) that lodges in an artery of the brain, or sometimes due to rupture of the smallest artery of the brain. A stroke of paralysis can vary in severity from weakness and tingling in a limb to a profound paralysis, coma and death.
 Types : 
 1. Motor paralysis 
 A paralysis with no movement of the affected part of the body, i.e. , paralysis of arm of leg occurring in middle or old age causing muscular weakness and wasting of the affected limb.
 2. Sensory paralysis
 When the movement of a particular part and the sensory nerve attached to it are affected
 3. Hemiplegia 
 Paralysis of one side of the body, usually resulting from a cerebrovascular accident, i.e. , a damage to a blood vessel of the brain caused by a disease on the opposite hemisphere (side) of the brain. For example, if a blood clot or disease has affected the right side of the brain, then there would be paralysis of left side of the body and vice-versa. In this type of paralysis movement of face and arm is often more severely affected than those of the leg. The affected side of the body becomes very weak and inactive, speech may be lost altogether or become slurred and the sufferer has difficulty in finding the right word to express himself. Many cases of hemiplegia can be cured with timely excercises or physiotherapy.
 4. Paraplegia 
 Paraplegia or diplegia is the paralysis of both legs, usually with the bladder and rectum. It is due to disease or injury of the spinal cord and is often accompanied by loss of sensation below the level of the injury or lesion and disturbed bladder function.
 A woman,suffering from paralysis of both legs, bladder and lower bowels due to severe injury of spinal cord, cutting a main nerve supplying to legs, bladder and rectum when she fell down from the roof of a house. There was no excretion of urine and faeces, no sensation in legs. She died after ten days.
 5. Poliomyelitis 
 Poliomyelitis or polio is an infectious viral disease affecting the central nervous system. Poliovirus causes poliomyelitis afflicting little children or infants with infantile paralysis.
 The three parts of the brain, medulla oblongata, pons varolii, that links with the medulla oblongata and contains numerous nerve tracts between the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord, and midbrain. The midbrain is the small portion of the brain stem, situated just below the pons varolii and pons varolii is just above the medulla oblongata. All these three parts are in a straight line and these form the brain stem.
 The polio virus is excreted in the faeces of an infected person and the disease is, therefore, most common where sanitation is poor. Polio may attack those who have not acquired immunity to the disease during infancy. Symptoms commence 7-12 days after infection. Polio virus is usually transmitted to man by the bite of a tick (a blood- sucking parasite - the tick bites can cause serious skin lesions, tick fever and occasionally paralysis and latter may attack the nervous system with inflammation of the brain and spinal cord). In poliomyelitis, there is fever, malaise, headache, sometimes diarrhoea and vomiting. But in some case there is severe rise of temperature with other symptoms similar to meningitis, with vomiting and diarrhoea and weakness of the muscles of the body. Paralysis may appear as the temperature subsides. Any part of the body can be affected by polio but it is mostly seen in the lower limbs which eventually become atrophied or emaciated. Therefore, it becomes necessary to give polio drops to the child at infancy stage.
 6. Paralysis agitans
 It is a chronic form of paralysis and is also called Parkinson's disease or shaking palsy. See Parkinsons's disease.
 7. Bulbar paralysis
 A paralysis of muscles of the mouth, tongue and throat resulting from a damage to the medulla oblongata.
 8. Bell's palsy
 Palsy is a term used for paralysis. Bell's palsy is the paralysis of the facial nerve, causing weakness of the muscles of one side of the face and inability to close the eye. In other words, Bell's palsy is a facial hemiparesis (paralysis of half side of the face) from oedema of the seventh cranial nerve. The cause is unknown, recovery normally occurs in due course of time. But it is difficult to cure, if it occurs just after the birth of the child. (Charles Bell, Scottish physician, 1774-1842).
 9. Post-diphtheritic paralysis 
 A paralysis following the attack of diphtheria. There is paralysis of vocal cords, throat and muscles of the upper respiratory tract. Death occurs within a few days, if not treated immediately. It is a serious kind of paralysis and difficult to cure. See case No. 551.
 10. Paresis 
 It is a partial, slight paralysis or muscular weakness of a limb with numbness, heaviness and crawling sensation in the affected part. The term is implied more for weakness than for paralysis.
 11. Spastic paralysis 
Causes : 
 Besides the causes said above under various types of paralysis, high blood pressure, or a damage to the nervous system with lesion, tumour or thrombosis may cause rupture of the blood vessel of the brain and complete paralysis of the whole body and eventual death. The other causes of paralysis are alcoholism, poisoning of blood by eating poisonous things, which damage the brain-stem.
 Cures : 
 - for paresis or paraesthesia of limb
 Weakness, numbness and prickling sensation in the limb caused by prolonged pressure on the nerve when the legs are crossed for long time:
 Acon, Aescul, Alet, Alfalfa, Alum, Ambra, Anac, Angust, Arg n, Avena, Bad, Bar c, Cact, Calc p, Carbo v, Caust, Chel, China, Coccul, Con, Crat, Curare, Dig, Gels, Helod, Irid, Kali c, Kali iod, Kali p, Kalm, Lathy, Nat m, Nux v, Onosm, Ox ac, Phos, Picr ac, Physost, Plat, Puls, Rhus t, Sec, Sumb, Thall.
 - for paralysis agitans (Parkinson's disease) 
 Agar, Avena, Bar c, Bufo, Con, Gels, Helod, Hyosc, Lathyr, Mang ac, Physost, Plumb m, Rhus t, Scutel, Sec, Zinc picr.
 - for bulbar paralysis 
 Acon, Agar, Anac, Arn, Ars, Bar c, Bell, Bothrops, Botulin 200, Caust, Colch, Con, Curare, Dulc, Gels, Guaco, Hyosc, Mez, Nat m, Mur ac, Nux m, Rhus t, Ruta, Senega, Stram, Zinc picr.
 - for Bell's palsy 
 Acon, Alum, Am phos, Bar c, Bell, Cadm s, Caust, Coccul, Curare, Dulc, Gels, Graph, Hyper, Kali iod, Kali m, Nat m, Rhus t, Ruta, Senega, Stram, Zinc picr.
 - for post-diphtheritic paralysis 
 Arg n, Arn, Ars, Aur mur, Avena, Botulin, Bar c, Caust, Coccul, Cupr, Diphth, Gels, Helon, Kali iod, Lach, Physost, Phyto, Plumb ac, Rhus t, Sec.
 - for hemiplegia left side 
 Alum, Ambra, Anac, Arnica, Ars, Bapt, Bell, Coccul, Cupr ars, Irid, Kali c, Lach, Lyc, Nux v, Oleand, Physost, Rhus t, Xanth.
 - for hemiplegia right side
 Arnica, Bell, Caust, Chel, Chenop, Curare, Elaps, Irid, Kalm, Lyc, Plumb m, Rhus t, Sec, Stram.
 - Paraplegia 
 Arg n, Bell, Caust, Coccul, Con, Cupr m, Curare, Gels, Hyper, Ign, Kali iod, Kali tart, Kalm, Lathyr, Mang ac, Nux v, Ox ac, Phos, Physost, Picr ac, Plumb ac, Rhust, Sec, Thall.
 - for paralysis of urinary bladder
 Ars, Bell, Cact, Caust, Dulc, Gels, Hyosc, Lach, Lyc, Nat m, Nux v, Opium.
 - for paralysis or prolapse of the rectum 
 Aloe, Alum, Caust, Colocy, Erig, Gels, Hyosc, Lyc, Mur ac, Naja, Nux v, Opium, Phos ac, Plumb m, Rhod, Sil;
 - for poliomyelitis 
 Acon, Aethu, Alum, Arnica, Bell, Calc c, Caust, Chrom s, Gels, Lathyr, Plumb m, Rhus t, Sec, Sul, Zinc p.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Purpura is a purplish discoloration of the skin produced by small bleeding vessels near the surface. Purpura may also occur in the mucous membranes, especially of the mouth, and in the internal organs. Purpura is not a disease per se but is indicative of an underlying cause of bleeding.
When purpura spots are very small (<1 cm in diameter), they are called petechiae or petechial haemorrhages. Larger, deeper purpura are referred to as ecchymoses or bruising.
Purpura may occur with either normal platelet counts (non-thrombocytopenic purpuras) or decreased platelet counts (thrombocytopenic purpuras). Platelets help maintain the integrity of the capillary lining as well as being important in the clotting process. As a general rule, purpura indicates a problem of the platelet system whilst a deficiency of clotting factors will cause haematomas or haemarthrosis as in haemophilia. Nevertheless, clotting factor deficiency must be considered.
 Note the age of the patient. Henoch-Schönlein purpura tends to occur in children.[4] Senile purpura is confined to the elderly.[5] Leukaemia and myeloproliferative disorders can occur at any age.
    How long has the rash been present? Is it changing noticeably? Meningococcal septicaemia will be very recent in origin and changing almost visibly.
    Is the patient otherwise well? If a child has developed a purpuric, possibly meningococcal, rash but does not seem unwell, do not be lured into a false sense of security. That child may be moribund just 20 minutes later.
    Has general easy bruising been noticed? Other components of a routine history should be gone through (past medical history, medical and allergic history - including any over-the-counter drugs - and social history are all relevant).

This will be guided by the differential diagnosis, much of which will already have been excluded.
FBC, ESR, platelets. The platelet count is fundamental. Leukaemia or related diseases may produce anaemia and leukocytopenia. ESR may indicate an inflammatory process. It is very nonspecific.
LFTs to check for liver disease.
A coagulation screen will screen for clotting factor deficiencies.
If the patient is on warfarin, check INR.
Plasma electrophoresis may show hypergammaglobulinaemia, paraproteinaemia and cryoglobulinaemia.
Autoantibody screen for connective tissue disorders.
The clinical condition may indicate further investigations, including blood culture and lumbar puncture.

Associated diseases
These have been outlined in 'Differential diagnosis', above. Here are some points you may wish to bear in mind.

Bacterial infections
Those that cause purpuric rashes include meningococcal septicaemia, streptococcal septicaemia and diphtheria. Several acute viral infections also cause purpuric rashes. These include smallpox, chickenpox, measles, parvovirus B19 and haemorrhagic fevers caused by Ebola virus, Rift Valley virus and Lassa fever.

Allergic vasculitic purpura
This is caused by inflammation and infiltration of the blood vessel wall as an anaphylactic reaction to a number of physical and chemical stimuli, including infections. Henoch-Schönlein purpura is one of the most common. Is often preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection due to beta-haemolytic streptococcal infection. It can occur in epidemics in young children with a fever followed by a purpuric rash, that may be slightly raised. Typically, it affects the fronts of the legs and the buttocks. There may be associated acute arthritis, gastrointestinal pain and nephritis with proteinuria. The rash may continue to form over several weeks. Serious acute complications include central nervous system (CNS) bleeding, acute intussusception or acute renal failure. Usually it is a self-limiting condition but it may respond to steroids.

Strong steroids
Long-term use of strong steroids can cause widespread purpura and bruising, normally on extensor surfaces of the hands, arms and thighs. It is caused by atrophy of the collagen fibres supporting blood vessels in the skin. A similar appearance is also found in senile-type purpura.

Blood transfusions
Severe thrombocytopenia 5 to 12 days after receiving a blood product containing platelets is a rare complication, usually confined to multiparous[9] women. It is due to the production of an antibody to a specific platelet antigen that the woman normally lacks. The patient normally recovers within 1 to 3 weeks but the condition can be lethal and may need treatment with plasmapheresis or intravenous (IV) immunoglobulins.



Tuesday, November 18, 2014


What is arthritis?
 if you have trouble moving around or feel pain and stiffness in your body, you could have arthritis. In the majority of cases arthritis causes pain and swelling in the joints.
Eventually a swollen joint can suffer severe damage. In some cases, arthritis can cause problems in the patient's eye, skin or other or
Arthritis is not a single disease - it is a term that covers over 100 medical conditions. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and generally affects elderly patients. Some forms of arthritis can affect people at a very early age.
gouty pains with swelling of right big toe, great inflammation redness and hotness of the toe-joint. She had great buring heat emitting with neuralgic, throbbing tearing pains in the joint, aggravated by warmth of bed, and hot fomentations, but chilling cold of winter also made the pains worse.
 Sole, under big toe was red, hot swollen and was sore to touch with lame,walking on the floor.
Types of arthritis
There are over 100 types of arthritis. Here is a description of some common ones, together with the causes:
With osteoarthritis, the cartilage loses its elasticity. If the cartilage is stiff it becomes damaged more easily. The cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber, will gradually wear away in some areas. As the cartilage becomes damaged tendons and ligaments become stretched, causing pain. Eventually the bones may rub against each other causing very severe pain.
Rheumatoid arthritis
This is an inflammatory form of arthritis. The synovial membrane (synovium) is attacked, resulting in swelling and pain. If left untreated the arthritis can lead to deformity.Rheumatoid arthritis is significantly more common in women than men and generally strikes when the patient is aged between 40 and 60. However, children and much older people may also be affected.During the first ten years after diagnosis, patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a higher risk of blood clots.
Infectious arthritis (septic arthritic)

Infectious arthritis is an infection in the synovial fluid and tissues of a joint. It is usually caused by bacteria, but could also be caused by fungi or viruses.Bacteria, fungi or viruses may spread through the bloodstream from infected tissue nearby, and infect a joint.Most susceptible people are those who already have some form of arthritis and develop an infection that travels in the bloodstream.
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA)Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis that affects a person aged 16 or less. JRA can be various forms of arthritis; it basically means that a child has it.
There are three main types:
 1/Pauciarticular JRA, the most common and mildest. The child experiences pain in up to 4 joints.
    2/Polyarticular JRA affects more joints and is more severe. As time goes by it tends to get worse.
   3/ Systemic JRA is the least common. Pain is experienced in many joints. It can spread to organs. This can be the most serious JRA.
Signs and symptoms
Osteoarthritis of the knee
The most commonly affected joints with osteoarthritis are in the hips, hands, knees and spine.
The symptoms of arthritis depend on the type, for example:
The symptoms of osteoarthritis develop slowly and get worse as time goes by. There is pain in a joint, either during or after use, or after a period of inactivity. There will be tenderness when pressure is applied to the joint. The joint will be stiff, especially first thing in the morning.
The patient may find it harder to use the joint - it loses its flexibility. Some patients experience a grating sensation when they use the joint. Hard lumps, or bone spurs may appear around the joint. In some cases the joint might swell.
The most commonly affected joints are in the hips, hands, knees and spine.
Rheumatoid arthritis
The patient often finds the same joints in each side of the body are painfully swollen, inflamed, and stiff. The fingers, arms, legs and wrists are most commonly affected.
Symptoms are usually worst on waking up in the morning and the stiffness can last for 30 minutes at this time. The joint is tender when touched. Hands may be red and puffy. There may be rheumatoid nodules (bumps of tissue under the skin of the patient's arms).
Many patients with rheumatoid arthritis feel tired most of the time. Weight loss is common.The smaller joints are usually noticeably affected first. Experts say patients with rheumatoid arthritis have problems with several joints at the same time.
As the arthritis progresses it spreads from the smaller joints in your hands, wrists, ankles and feet to your elbows, knees, hips, neck, shoulders and jaw.
Infectious arthritis
The patient commonly has a fever, joint inflammation and swelling with infectious arthritis. They will feel tenderness and/or a sharp pain. Often these symptoms are linked to an injury or another illness.
Most commonly affected areas are the knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist and finger. In the majority of cases just one joint is affected.
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
The patient is a child and will experience intermittent fevers which tend to peak in the evening and then suddenly disappear. Appetite will be poor and weight may be lost.
There may be blotchy rashes on arms and legs. Anemia is also common. The child may limp or have a sore wrist, finger, or knee. A joint may suddenly swell and stay larger than it usually is. The child may experience a stiff neck, hips or some other joint.
 Arnic = 200 one dose in the beginning and after one hour-Ruta. 30 in alternation with CP6x.-4 grains dose after every 2-4 hours for two days.
 Same medicines -with one more dose of Arnica -200 were repeated in the same order,helpful for acute arthritis.Some emergency medicines for arthritis if applied constitutionally APIS,ACID-BENZ,LEDUM,LITHIUM-CARB,CALC,CALC-FLOUR,LEDUM,LYCO,GRAPH,CAUTICUM,CAULOPH, 
Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Leucorrhoea is a sticky, watery, whitish discharge of mucus from the vaginal passage. It may occur normally at all times and its quantity may increase before and after menstruation. An abnormal and large discharge may indicate some infection in the uterus, cervix and lower reproductive tract, for example vaginitis, ulceration or suppurative swelling of vagina, extending to cervix, causing endocervicitis (inflammation of the mucous lining of the neck of the womb) in which surface cells, i.e. , epithelium, may die. Therefore, destruction of these cells and their debris results in their white or yellow discharge from the vaginal opening. (See also trichomonas vaginalis under vaginitis.)
 In some cases the swelling of uterus (metritis) or mucosa of the uterus (endometritis) causes excessive leucorrhoea with pressing down in the vagina and in some cases with a sensation as if everything would pass out through the vagina. Leucorrhoea has different types of discharges with different colours. In some cases, it is albuminous, thick, slimy, white mucous like pieces of curd or white of an egg and in some cases it is watery, acrid and corroding in nature. There is itching in the vaginal passage and discharge has offensive smell. It has various colours white, pale yellow, yellowish green, ash-grey, blood or pink colour.
 Cures :
 Leucorrhoea acrid, burning or corroding : Aescul, Alum, Am c, Ars, Borax, Bov, Calc c, Carbo an, Carbo v, Caul, Cham, Con, Graph, Helon, Help, Hydrast, Iod, Kreos, Lit t, Merc, Nat m, Nit ac, Puls, Sab, Sep, Sil, Sul.
 - Albuminous, slimy :
 Alum, Ambra, Am. m, Borax, Bov, Calc c, Calc p, Graph, Hydrast, Kali m, Kali s, Puls, Thuja.
 - Blackish, ash-grey :
 Ars, Calc, Calc p, Carbo v, China, Cop, Kali iod, Kali m, Kali s, Nat s, Puls, Thlaspi, Thuja.
 - Blood :
 Arg n, Ars, Carbo v, China, Cocc, Ham, Kreos, Merc c, Merc s, Murex, Sep, Spiranth, Sul, Thlaspi.
 - Greenish :
 Bov, Carb ac, Carbo v, Kali s, Lach, Merc s, Murex, Nat s, Nit ac, Pulex, Puls, Sep, Thuja.
 - Gushing :
 Ars, China, Cocc, Eupion, Graph, Sep. See also leucorrhoea profuse.
 - Itching, irritating :
 Alum, Ambra, Anac, Calc c, Calc iod, Canth, Carbo v, Carb ac, China, Fago, Graph, Helon, Hydrast, Kreos, Merc s, Sep, Sul, Thuja.
 - Milky, white, thick like curd:
 Aescul, Ant. c, Aurum, Borax, Bov, Calc c, Calc iod, Carbo v, Con, Cop, Graph, Hydrast, Iod, Kali m, Ova t, Puls, Sab, Sep, Sil, Stann, Sul, Thuja.
 - Offensive :
 Ars, Carb ac, China, Helon, Hep, Kreos, Merc s, Med, Nat c, Psori, Pulex, Sab, Sanic, Sec, Sep, Thlaspi.
 - Profuse, excessive :
 Alum, Ambra, Arg n, Borax, Calc c, Caul, Fluor ac, Graph, Hydrast, Lach, Merc s, Nat m, Ova t, Puls, Sep, Stann, Syph, Thuja.
 - Thin, watery :
 Am c, Ars, Graph, Kali s, Merc c, Nat m, Nit ac, Puls, Sep, Syph.
 - Transparent like white of an egg :
 Agnus, Alum, Ambra, Am m, Arg n, Ars, Aurum, Berb v, Borax, Bov, Calc c, Calc p, Daph, Hydrast, Mez, Nat m, Pallad, Petrol, Plat, Pod, Stann, Stram, Sul.
 - Viscid, stringy, tough :
 Aescul, Alum, Bov, Graph, Hydrast, Kali bi, Kali m, Sab.
 - Yellow staining :
 Agn, Ars, Bov, China, Hydrast, Kali bi, Kali s, Kreos, Merc s, Pulex, Puls, Sep, Stann.
 - Leucorrhoea in little girls :
 Calc c, Calc p, Caul, Cina, Cub, Hydrast, Millef, Puls, Sep, Syph.
 - In old, weak women :
 Alum, Ambra, Ars, Aurum Bov, Carbo an, Carbo v, Ferr p, Fluor ac, Graph, Helon, Hydrast, Iod, Kali bi, Kali c, Nit ac, Picr ac, Sec. Verat a.
 - In pregnancy :

 Aescul, Alet, Alum, Apis, Ars, Calc p, Carbo a, Cham, Cim, Coccul, Con, Helon, Kali c, Nux v, Sab, Sep.
 - during endocervicitis, endometritis :
 Alet, Apis, Arg m, Arg n, Ars, Bell, Aurum met, Borax, Calc c, Calend, Carb ac, Cim, China, Con, Graph, Ham, Helon, Hydrast, Iod, Kali bi, Kali s, Kreos, Lach, Led, Mag m, Merc c, Herc s, Murex, Nux v, Phos ac, Puls, Rhus t, Sab, Sec, Sep, Sil, Sul, Thlaspi.
 Leucorrhoea with backache :
 Aescul, Cim, Graph, Helon, Kali bi, Kali c, Kreos, Murex, Nat m, Ova t, Psori, Puls, Rhus t, Stann.
 Leucorrhoea instead of mense :
 Ars, China, Coccul, Con, Dulc, Graph, Iod, Kali c, Lach, Nux m, Phos, Puls, Sab, Senec, Sep, Sil, Sul, Xanth.
 Leucorrhoea with weakness and debility :
 Alet, Alum, Ars, Calc c, Calc p, Carbo an,Caul, China, Coccul, Con, Helon, Hydrast, Kreos, Psori, Puls, Sep, Stann, Verat a.
 Therapeutics :
 1. FP6X, CP3X, KP3X, NS3X, Sil12X - in acrid, irritating leucorrhoea.
 2. CP3X, KM3X, KP3X, Sil 12X - in milky white discharges.
 3. CP3X, KP3X, NM3X, KS3X, NP3X - in yellow discharges with great weakness.
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Asphyxia, Death Apparent or Cyanosis

Means- suffocation, or life threatening condition of body, in which there is cessation of breathing, or in which oxygen is prevented from reaching the tissue by obstruction of, or damage to any part of the respiratory system. In such cases, the oxygen content of the blood falls and carbondioxide conent of blood rises, which paralyses the respiratory system. Drowning, chocking and breathing of poisonous gas etc. all lead to asphyxia, then cyanosis and finally leading to death - because brain cells can not live for more than about four minutes without oxygen. Blue Asphyxia is the deep blue appearance of newborn baby. Blue- big spots or livid spots over limbs, back, or abdomen are due to lack of oxygen in the blood or poor oxygenation of blood that is being supplied to the concerned tissue or part of the body. In lungs, oxygen' is prevented from reaching there due to the damage in the respiratory system.'
 Aspiration. (1) The act of inspiration (2) Withdrawl or removal of watery., fluid from the body cavities or from the cysts, inflamed joints or ear cavity.
 Assimilation. The process by which food substances are taken into the cell; of the body where they are digested and absorbed.
Emergency homoeopathic medicines for asphyxia --- Acet-acid,Aconite nap,Anacardium,Antim-tart,Antim-crud,Arsenic-alb,Aurum met,Bell,Bovista,Bromium,Camphor,Carbo-veg,China,Coffea cruda,Colchicum,Conium,Cuprum-met,Cyclamen,Digitalis,Graphities,Helleborous,Hyocyamus,Ipeacac,Hydrocyanic-acid,Laurocerasus,Ignatia,Lachesis,Nux-vom,Veratrum-alb,Secale-corn.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ague-fever malaria

Mr Sovon aged 16, had ague of quotidian type, attack of fever started after 24 hours, every day at about noon, it was happening for the last ten days. The attack of chill commenced in the lower back which extended to neck and occiput with shaking of whole body, then drowsiness, soreness and heaviness .of lower legs and extremities. Fever continued till night with scanty sweat. Gels. 30, in alternation with FP6x, KM3x, NM3x. NS3x, 2 grains dose in hot water- 2 T. spoons, after every 2-3 hours cured the patient within 5 days actually fever was cured after 3 days.
 4. Sul. 30, We should think of Sul-30, as an intercurrent medicine when temperature does not become normal within 24-36 hours, it reduces the temperature from 103o F to 98o F quickly. It should be given in the morning or evening when the temperature is below 100o F. One or two doses will do the work.
 5. Ars. alb. 30, be given in cases of intermitent -ague fever when the fever does not become normal within 4 or 5 days, be given in chronic, inveterate, pernicious cases (the cases which do not yield to become normal). The cases which are over drugged with quinine, having periodical chill, worse in the mid- night, or chill alternating with great burning heat in body at any time during day, dryness of mouth with frequent thirst but little water at a time, drinking of water causes nausea and vomiting with spasmodic pain in the abdomen and chest- causing great weakness and debility, etc. Can be cured with this curing medicine.  Cont......
Sunday, October 26, 2014


This natural period in a woman's life allows her to express acute and striking symptoms that return regularly in a particular order. 
 This is a fantastic gold-mine of information for the homeopath who can analyze all the symptoms such as bulimia, coryza, faintness, headache, insomnia, leukorrhea, migraine, nervousness, pains, sexual desire, sighing, etc., that occur before, during and after the flows of blood.
 Most of the functional disorders related  to the menstrual cycle have a favorable and quick solution. 
 Homeopathic remedies will restablish the correct endocrine balance and prevent any complications (fibroma, mastitis, etc).
 Scanty (insufficient)
 To regulate the menstrual system, the polychrest is taken according to menstrual cycle, normally once a month, sometimes more often.
 When it is not possible to mark out a precise date (puberty or menopause), take one dose every 2 weeks, the mineral during a new moon, and the plant during a  full moon. 
 For instance, at puberty :
 --  thin girl :
 • during a fool moon : PULSATILLA 15C
 • during a  new moon : CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 15C
 --  heavy girl :
 • during a full moon : PULSATILLA 15C
 • during a new moon : CALCAREA CARBONICA 15C
 With venous and digestive disorders
 --  weeping when telling the symptoms :
 • with diarrhea, gastritis, migraines; in lymphatic women :
 one dose, monthly : PULSATILLA 15C
 • candidiasis before; dark blood; bearing-down sensation; hole in the stomach; migraines with irritability and fatigue :
 one dose, monthly : SEPIA 15C
 --  ophthalmic migraine before, galactorrhea or leukorrhea after; meticulous and melancholic :
 • one dose, monthly : CYCLAMEN 15C
 With skin disorders

 --  premenstrual syndrome; forehead acne agg. before, blinding headache after :
 • one dose, monthly : NATRUM MURIATICUM 15C
 --  itching and eczema before, constipation, coryza and hoarseness during :
 • one dose, monthly : GRAPHITES 15C
 With rheumatisms
 --  pain from back down to thighs, through labia and abdomen to chest :
 • one dose, monthly : KALIUM CARBONICUM 15C
 --  icy coldness through all body before, constipation and itching during :
 • one dose, monthly : SILICEA 15C
 --  pains in stomach and back; bashful; aversion to strangers :
 • one dose, monthly : BARYTA CARBONICA 15C
 --  the more copious the flow, the more restless the mind, with painful mastitis :
 • 3 granules, daily, as needed : CIMICIFUGA 9C
 --  oversensitive and itching genitals; ovary pain; numbness :
 • one dose, monthly : PLATINA 15C
 --  the flow amel. all the physical and mental symptoms; loquacity; hyperthyroidism :
 • one dose, monthly : LACHESIS 15C
 --  throughout her life, the phosphoric obeys the general law of "all or nothing", such as no menses at all or a very abundant flow :
 • adolescent; abundant and frequent or headache and weakness instead of the flow :
 one dose, monthly : CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 15C
 • menses last too long, weeping before, or burning leukorrhea instead of the flow :
 one dose, monthly : PHOSPHORUS 15C
 Color, clots
 Pale red
 --  in general :
 --  flushes of heat; weakness :
 • one dose, as needed : FERRUM METAL 9C
 Bright red
 --  in general : 
 (See :bleeding) :
 --  early, abundant and prolonged, provoked by least emotion, suppressed by cold bath, mastitis, fibroma :
 • one dose, as needed : CALCAREA CARBONICA 9C
 --  sacrolumbar pains agg. by least movement; condyloma, warts :
 • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : SABINA 5C
 Dark red
 --  in general :
 --  labour-like pains; iciness in entire body; violent cramps in lower limbs; thin and exhausted women (abortion) :
 • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : SECALE CORNUTUM 5C
 --  in general :
 --  laughing mania; sexual excitation before, changing mood during; black clots with long strings (frequent, copious) :
 • 3 granules, daily, as needed : CROCUS SATIVUS 9C
 Bearing-down sensation
 --  by pelvic congestion
 • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day :
 --  by fibroma :
 • alternate every one or two other weeks, one dose :
 • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : MUREX 5C (sexual excitement)
 --  by pelvic ptosis :
 • alternate every two or four other weeks, one dose :
 • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : LILIUM TIGRINUM 7C
 --  violent pains with sensation of cold, numbness and tingling :
 • 3 granules, as needed : AGARICUS 5C
 See : anxiety, appetite, arthritis, aversion, bleeding, breast, bulimia, candidiasis, cellulitis, cold, cysts, condyloma, constipation, cystitis, desire, diarrhea, dyspepsia, eructations, faintness, fibroma, flushes of heat, headache, heat, insomnia, itching, leukorrhea, menopause, migraine, nervousness, ovary, pains, polyps prementrual, rheumatisms, sadness, sensations, sexual desire, since, skin, tetany.
Thursday, October 23, 2014

What Is Homoeopathy ?

It is impossible to divine the internal essential nature of diseases and the changes they effect in the hidden parts of the body, and it is absurd to frame a system of treatment on such hypothetical surmises and assumptions : it is impossible to divine toe medicinal properties of remedies from any chemical hypotheses or from their smell, colour, or taste, and it is absurd to attempt, from such hypothetical surmises and assumptions, to apply to the treatment of diseases these substances, which are so hurtful when wrongly administered. And even were such practice ever so customary and ever so generally in use, were it even the only one in vogue for thousands of years, it would nevertheless continue to be a senseless and pernicious practice to found on empty surmises our idea of the morbid condition of the anterior, and to attempt to combat this with equally imaginary properties of medicines.
 [H2] Appreciable, distinctly appreciable to our senses must that be, which is to be removed in each disease in order to transform it into health, and right clearly must each remedy express what it can positively cure, if medical art is to be a wanton game of hazard with human life, and to commence to be the sure deliverer from diseases.
 [H2] I shall show what there is undeniably curable in diseases, and how the curative properties of medicines are to be distinctly perceived and employed for curative purposes.
 [H2] *    *    *    *
 [H2] What life is can only be known empirically from its phenomena and manifestations, but no conception of it can be formed by any meta-physical speculations à priori; what life is, in its actual essential nature, can never be ascertained or even guessed at, by mortals.
 [H2] To the explanation of human life, as also its two-fold conditions, health and disease, the principles by which we explain other phenomena are quite inapplicable. With nought in the world can we compare it save with itself alone; neither with a piece of clockwork, nor with a hydraulic machine, nor with chemical processes, not with decompositions and recompositions of gases, nor yet with a galvanic battery, in short with nothing destitute of life. Human life is in no respect regulated by purely physical laws, which only obtain among inorganic substances. The material substances of which the human organism is composed no longer follow, in this vital combination, the laws to which material substances in the inanimate condition are subject; they are regulated by the laws peculiar to vitality alone, they are themselves animated and vitalized just as the whole system is animated and vitalized. Here a nameless fundamental power reigns omnipotent, which abrogates all the tendency of the component parts of the body to obey the laws of gravitation, of momentum, of the vis inertiae, of fermentation, of putrefaction, and c., and brings them under the wonderful laws of life alone, -in other words, maintains them in the condition of sensibility and activity necessary to the preservation of the living whole, a condition almost spiritually dynamic.
 [H2] Now, as the condition of the organism and its health depend solely on the health of the life which animates it, in like manner it follows that the altered health, which we term disease, consists in a condition altered originally only in its vital sensibilities and functions, irrespective of all chemical or mechanical considerations; in short it must consist in a dynamically altered condition, a changed mode of being, whereby a change in the properties of the material component parts of the body is afterwards effected, which is a necessary consequence of the morbidly altered condition of the living whole in every individual case.
 [H2] Moreover, the influence of morbific injurious agencies, which for the most part excite from without the various maladies in us, is generally so invisible and so immaterial, * that it is impossible that it can immediately either mechanically disturb or derange the component parts of our body in their form and substance, or infuse any pernicious acrid fluid into our blood-vessels whereby the mass of our humours can be chemically altered and depraved - an inadmissible, quite unprovable, gross invention of mechanical minds. The exciting causes of disease rather act by means of their essential properties on the state of our life (on our health), only in a dynamic, very similar to a spiritual, manner; and inasmuch as they first derange the organs of the higher rank and of the vital force, there occurs from this state of derangement, from this dynamic alteration of the living whole, an altered sensation (uneasiness, pains) and an altered activity (abnormal functions) of each individual organ and of all of them collectively, whereby there must also of necessity secondarily occur alteration of the juices in our vessels and secretion of abnormal matters, the inevitable consequence of the altered vital character, which now differs from the healthy state.
 [H2] These abnormal matters that show themselves in diseases are consequently merely products of the disease itself, which, as long as the malady retains its present character, must of necessity be secreted, and thus constitute a portion of the morbid signs (symptoms); they are merely affects, and therefore manifestations of the existing internal ill-health, and they do certainly not react (although they often contain the infecting principle for other, healthy individuals) upon the diseased body that produced them, as disease-exciting or maintaining substances, that is, as material morbific causes, * just as a person cannot infect other parts of his own body at the same time with the virus from his own chancre or with the gonorrhoeal matter from his own urethra, or increase his disease therewith, or as a viper cannot inflict on itself a fatal bite with its own poison.
 [H2] Hence it is obvious that diseases excited by the dynamic and virtual influence of morbific injurious agents can be originally only dynamical derangements (caused almost solely by a spiritual process) of the vital character of our organism.
 [H2] We readily perceive that these dynamic derangements of the vital character of our organism which we term diseases, since they are nothing else than altered sensations and functions, can also express themselves by nothing but by an aggregate of symptoms, and only as such are they cognisable to our observing powers.
 [H2] Now, as in a profession of such importance to human life as medicine is, nothing but the state of the diseased body plainly cognisable by our perceptive faculties can be recognised as the object to be cured, and ought to guide our steps (to choose conjectures and undemonstrable hypotheses as our guide here would be dangerous folly, nay crime and treason against humanity), it follows, that since diseases, as dynamic derangements of the vital character, express themselves solely by alterations of the sensations and functions of our organism, that is, solely by an aggregate of cognisable symptoms, this alone can be the object of treatment in every case of disease. For on the removal of all morbid symptoms nothing remains but health.
 [H2] Now, because diseases are only dynamic derangements of our health and vital character, they cannot be removed by man otherwise than by means of agents and powers which also are capable of producing dynamical derangements of the human health, that is to say, diseases are cured virtually and dynamically by medicines. +
 [H2] These active substances and powers (medicines) which we have at our service effect the cure of diseases by means of the same dynamic power of altering the actual state of health, by means of the same power of deranging the vital character of our organism in respect of its sensations and functions, by which they are able to affect also the healthy individual, to produce in him dynamic changes and certain morbid symptoms, the knowledge of which, as we shall see, affords us the most trustworthy information concerning the morbid states that can be most certainly cured by each particular medicine. Hence nothing in the world can accomplish a cure, no substance, no power can effect a change in the human organism of such a character as that the disease shall yield to it, except an agent capable of absolutely (dynamically) deranging the human health, consequently also of morbidly altering its healthy state. *
 [H2] On the other hand, however, there is also no agent, no power in nature capable of morbidly affecting the healthy individual, which does not at the same time possess the faculty of curing certain morbid states.
 [H2] Now, as the power of curing diseases, as also of morbidly affecting the healthy, is met with in inseparable combination in all medicines, and as both these properties evidently spring from one and the same source, namely, from their power of dynamically deranging human health, and as it is hence impossible that they can act according to a different inherent natural law in the sick to that according to which they act on the healthy; it follows that it must be the same power of the medicine that cures the disease in the sick as produces the morbid symptoms in the healthy. +
 [H2] Hence also we shall find that the curative power of medicines, and that which each of them is able to effect in diseases, expresses itself in no other mode in the world so surely and palpably, and cannot be ascertained by us by any purer and more perfect manner than by the morbid phenomena and symptoms (the kinds of artificial diseases) which the medicines develop in healthy individuals. For if we only have before us records of the peculiar (artificial) morbid symptoms produced by the various medicines on healthy individuals, we only require a series of pure experiments to decide what medicinal symptoms will always rapidly and permanently cure and remove certain symptoms of disease, in order to know, in every case beforehand, which of all the different medicines known and thoroughly tested as to their peculiar symptoms must be the most certain remedy in every case of disease. ++
 [H2] If then we ask experience what artificial diseases (observed to be produced by medicines) can be beneficially employed against certain natural morbid states; if we ask it whether the change to health (cure) may be expected to ensue most certainly and in the most permanent manner :
 [H2] 1, by the use of such medicines as are capable of producing in the healthy body a different (alloeopathic) affection from that exhibited by the disease to be cured,
 [H2] 2, or by the employment of such as are capable of exciting in the healthy individual an opposite (enantiopathic, antipathic) state to that of the case to be cured,
 [H2] 3, or by the administration of such medicines as can cause a similar (homoeopathic) state to the natural disease before us (for these are the only three possible modes of employing them), experience speaks indubitably for the last method.
 [H2] But it is moreover self-evident that medicines which act heterogeneously and alloeopathically, which tend to develop in the healthy subject different symptoms from those presented by the disease to be cured, from the every nature of things can never be suitable and efficacious in this case, but they must act awry, otherwise all diseases must necessarily be cured in a rapid, certain and permanent manner by all medicine, however different. Now, as every medicine possesses an action different from that of every other, and as, according to eternal natural laws, every disease causes a derangement of the human health different from that caused by all other diseases, this proposition contains an innate contraction (contradictionem in adjecto), and is self-demonstrative of the impossibility of a good result, since every given change can only be effected by an adequate cause, but not per quamlibet causam. And daily experience also proves that the ordinary practice or prescribing complex recipes containing a variety of unknown medicines in diseases, does indeed do many things, but very rarely cures.
 [H2] The second mode of treating diseases by medicines is the employment of an agent capable of altering the existing derangement of the health (the disease, or most prominent morbid symptom) in an enantiopathic, antipathic, or contrary manner (the palliative employment of a medicine). Such an employment, as will be readily seen, cannot effect a permanent cure of the disease, because the malady must soon afterwards recur, and that in an aggravated degree. The process that takes place is as follow : - According to a wonderful provision of nature, organized living beings are not regulated by the laws of unorganized (dead) physical matter, they do not receive the influence of external agents, like the latter, in a passive manner, but strive to oppose a contrary action of them. *
 [H2] The living human body does indeed allow itself to be in the first instance changed by the action of physical agents; but this change is not in it as in inorganic substances, permanent (- as it ought necessarily to be if the medicinal agent acting in a contrary manner to the disease should have a permanent effect, and be of durable benefit -) : on the contrary, the living human organism strives to develop by antagonism * the exact opposite of the affection first produced in it from without, -as for instance, a hand kept long enough in ice-cold water, after being withdrawn does not remain cold, nor merely assume the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere, as a stone (dead) ball would do, or even resume the temperature of the rest of the body, no! the colder the water of the bath was, and the longer it acted on the healthy skin of the hand, the more inflamed and hotter does the latter afterwards become.
 [H2] Therefore it cannot but happen that a medicine having an action opposite to the symptoms of the disease, will reverse the morbid symptoms for but a very short time, + but must soon give place to the antagonism inherent in the living body, which produces an opposite state, that is to say, a state the direct contrary of that transient delusive state of the health effected by the palliative (and corresponding to the original malady), which constitutes an actual addition to the now recurring, uneradicated, original affection, and is consequently an increased degree of the original disease. And thus the malady is always certainly aggravated after the palliative - the medicine that acts in an opposite and enantiopathic manner - has exhausted its action. ++
 [H2] In chronic diseases, -the true touch-stone of a genuine healing art, -the injurious character of the antagonistically-acting (palliative) remedy often displays itself in a high degree, since from its repeated exhibition in order that it should merely produce its delusive effect (a very transient semblance of health) it must be administered in larger and ever larger doses, which are often productive of serious danger to life, or even of actual death. §
 [H2] There remains, therefore, only a third mode of employing medicines in order to effect a really beneficial result, to wit, by employing in every case such an one as tends to excite of itself an artificial, morbid affection in the organism similar (homoeopathic), best if very similar, to the actual case of disease.
 [H2] That this mode of employing medicines is and must of necessity be the only best method, can easily be proved by reasoning, as it has also already been confirmed both by innumerable experiences of physicians who practise according to my doctrines, and by daily experience. *
 [H2] It will, therefore, not be difficult to perceive what are the laws of nature according to which the only appropriate cure of diseases, the homoeopathic, takes place, and must necessarily take place.
 [H2] The first of these unmistakable laws of nature is : the susceptibility of the living organism for natural diseases is incomparably less than it is for medicines.
 [H2] A multitude of disease-exciting causes act daily and hourly upon us, but they are incapable of deranging the equilibrium of the health, or of making the healthy sick; the activity of the life-sustaining power within us usually withstands the most of them, the individual remains healthy. It is only when these external inimical agencies assail us in a very aggravated degree, and we are especially exposed to their influence, that we get ill, but even then we only become seriously ill when our organism has a particularly impressionable, weak side (predisposition), that makes it more disposed to be affected by the (simple or compound) morbific cause in question, and to be deranged in its health.
 [H2] If the inimical agents in nature that are partly physical and partly physical, which are termed morbific noxae, possessed an unconditional power of deranging the human health, they would, as they are universally distributed, not leave any one in good health; every one would be ill, and we should never be able to obtain an idea of health. But as, taken on the whole, diseases are only exceptional states of the human health, and it is necessary that such a number of circumstances and conditions, both as regards the morbific agents and the individual to be affected with disease, should conjoin before a disease is produced by its exciting causes, it follows, that the individual is so little liable to be affected by such noxae, that they can never unconditionally make him ill, and that the human organism is capable of being deranged to disease by them only by means of a particular predisposition.
 [H2] But it is far otherwise with the artificial dynamic agents which we term medicines. For every true medicine acts at all times, under all circumstances, on every living, animated body, and excites in it the symptoms peculiar to it (even in a way perceptible to the senses if the dose be large enough) so that evidently every living human organism must always and inevitably be affected by the medicinal disease and, as it were, infected, which, as is well known, is not the case with respect to natural diseases. *
 [H2] All experience proves incontestably, that the human body is much more apt and disposed to be affected by medicinal agents and to have its health deranged by them, than by the morbific noxae and contagious miasms, or, what is the same thing, that the medicinal agents possess an absolute power of deranging human health, whereas the morbific agents possess only a very conditional power, vastly inferior to the former.
 [H2] To this circumstance it is owing that medicines are able to cure diseases at all (that is to say, we see, that the morbid affection may be eradicated from the diseased organism, if the latter be subjected to the appropriate alteration by means of medicine); but in order that the cure should take place, the second natural law should also be fulfilled, to wit, a stronger dynamic affection permanently extinguishes the weaker in the living organism, provided the former be similar in kind to the latter; for the dynamic alteration of the health to be anticipated from the medicine should, as I think I have proved, neither differ in kind from or be alloeopathic to the morbid derangement, in order that, as happens in the ordinary mode of practice, a still greater derangement may not ensue; nor should it be opposite to it, in order that a merely palliative delusive amelioration may not ensue, to be followed by an inevitable aggravation of the original malady; but the medicine must have been proved by observations to possess the tendency to develop of itself a state of health similar to the disease (be able to excite similar symptoms in the healthy body), in order to be a remedy of permanent efficacy.
 [H2] Now, as the dynamic affections of the organism (caused by disease or by medicine) are only cognisable by the phenomena of altered function and altered sensation, and consequently the similarity of its dynamic affections to one another can only express themselves by similarity of symptoms; but as the organism (as being much more liable to be deranged by medicine than by disease) must yield more to the medicinal affection, that is to say, must be more disposed to allow itself to be influenced and deranged by medicine than by the similar natural morbid affection, it follows undeniably, that it will be freed from the natural morbid affection if we allow a medicine to act on it, which, while differing * in its nature from the disease, resembles it very closely in the symptoms it causes, that is to say, is homoeopathic; for the organism, as a living, individual unity, cannot receive two similar dynamic affections at the same time, without the weaker yielding to the stronger similar one; consequently, as it is more disposed to be more strongly affected by the one (the medicinal affection), the other, similar, weaker one (the natural morbid affection) must necessarily give way; and the organism is therefore cured of its disease.
 [H2] Let it not be imagined that the living organism, if a new similar affection be communicated to it when diseased by a dose of homoeopathic medicine, will be thereby more seriously deranged, that is, burdened with an addition to its sufferings, just as a leaden plate already pressed upon by an iron weight is still more severely squeezed by placing a stone in addition upon it; or as a piece of copper heated by friction must become still hotter by pouring on it water at a more elevated temperature. No, our living organism does not behave passively, it is not subject to the laws that govern dead matter; it reacts by vital antagonism, so as to surrender itself as an individual living whole to its morbid derangement, and to allow this to be extinguished within it, when a stronger affection of a similar kind, produced in it by homoeopathic medicine, takes possession of it.
 [H2] Such a spiritually reaching being is our living, human organism which with automatic power expels from itself a weaker derangement (disease), whenever the stronger power of the homoeopathic medicine produces in it another but very similar affection; or in other words, which, on account of the unity of its life, cannot suffer at the same time from two similar general derangements, but must discard the primary dynamic affection (disease), whenever it is acted on by a second dynamic power (medicine), more capable of deranging it, that has a great resemblance to the former in its power of affecting the health (its symptoms). Something similar takes place in the human mind. +
 [H2] But as the human organism even in health is more capable of being affected by medicine than by disease, as I have shown above, so when it is diseased, it is beyond comparison more affectable by homoeopathic medicine than by any other (whether alloeopathic or enantiopathic) and indeed it is affectable in the hightest degree; since, as it is already disposed and excited by the disease to certain symptoms, it must now be more susceptible of the altering influence of similar symptoms (by the homoeopathic medicine) -just as similar mental affections render the mind much more sensitive to similar emotions - hence only the smallest dose of them is necessary and useful for their cure, that is, for altering the diseased organism into the similar medicinal disease; and a greater one is not necessary on this account also, because the spiritual power of the medicine does not in this instance accomplish its object by means of quantity, but by potentiality and quality (dynamic fitness, homoeopathy), -and a greater dose is not useful, but on the contrary injurious, because whilst the larger dose, on the one hand, does not dynamically overpower the morbid affection more certainly than the smallest dose of the most appropriate medicine, on the other hand it imposes a complex medicinal disease in its place, which is always a malady, though it passes off after a certain time.
 [H2] Hence the organism will be powerfully affected and taken possession of the power of even a very small dose of a medicinal substance, which by its tendency to excite similar symptoms, can outweigh and extinguish the totality of the symptoms of the disease; it becomes, as I have said, free from the morbid affection at the very instant that it is taken possession of by the medicinal affection, by which it is immeasurably more liable to be altered.
 [H2] Now, as medicinal agents do of themselves, even in larger doses, only keep the healthy organism for a few days under their influence, it will readily be conceived that a small dose, and in acute diseases a very small dose of them (as it ought evidently to be in homoeopathic treatment), can only affect the system for a short time; the smallest doses, indeed, in acute diseases, only for a few hours; and then the medicinal affection substituted for the disease passes unobservedly and very rapidly into pure health.
 [H2] In the permanent cure of diseases by medicines in living organisms nature seems never to act otherwise than in accordance with these her manifest laws, and then indeed she acts, if we may use the expression, with mathematical certainty. There is no case of adynamic disease in the world (excepting the death struggle, old age, if it can be considered a disease, and the destruction of some indispensable viscus or member), whose symptoms can be met with in great similarity among the positive effects of a medicine, which will not be rapidly and permanently cured by this medicine. The diseased individual can be freed from his malady, in no more easy, rapid, certain, reliable and permanent manner, by any conceivable mode of treatment, * than by means of the homoeopathic medicine in small doses.
                                                                               Dr.Samuel Hahnemann


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