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Friday, November 21, 2014


A complete or partial, temporary or permanent loss of muscular power, movement or sensation in any part of the body. There is paralysis of the arm, leg, upper arm and lower leg of one side of the body, of both legs, urinary organs, tongue, lower bowels, etc. The degree of paralysis depends upon the nature of the underlying disease and its distribution in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves or muscles.
 Causes :
 Paralysis is caused by damage to the nerve supply which may in turn be the result of disease, trauma, cerebro-vascular accident (damage of blood vessels of the brain) or it may be due to ischaemia i.e. , deficient blood supply to the part affected). The sudden onset of paralysis is commonly called a stroke of paralysis - affecting usually one side of the body, because it is the result of an interruption of the flow of blood to the brain by clotting (thrombosis) that lodges in an artery of the brain, or sometimes due to rupture of the smallest artery of the brain. A stroke of paralysis can vary in severity from weakness and tingling in a limb to a profound paralysis, coma and death.
 Types : 
 1. Motor paralysis 
 A paralysis with no movement of the affected part of the body, i.e. , paralysis of arm of leg occurring in middle or old age causing muscular weakness and wasting of the affected limb.
 2. Sensory paralysis
 When the movement of a particular part and the sensory nerve attached to it are affected
 3. Hemiplegia 
 Paralysis of one side of the body, usually resulting from a cerebrovascular accident, i.e. , a damage to a blood vessel of the brain caused by a disease on the opposite hemisphere (side) of the brain. For example, if a blood clot or disease has affected the right side of the brain, then there would be paralysis of left side of the body and vice-versa. In this type of paralysis movement of face and arm is often more severely affected than those of the leg. The affected side of the body becomes very weak and inactive, speech may be lost altogether or become slurred and the sufferer has difficulty in finding the right word to express himself. Many cases of hemiplegia can be cured with timely excercises or physiotherapy.
 4. Paraplegia 
 Paraplegia or diplegia is the paralysis of both legs, usually with the bladder and rectum. It is due to disease or injury of the spinal cord and is often accompanied by loss of sensation below the level of the injury or lesion and disturbed bladder function.
 A woman,suffering from paralysis of both legs, bladder and lower bowels due to severe injury of spinal cord, cutting a main nerve supplying to legs, bladder and rectum when she fell down from the roof of a house. There was no excretion of urine and faeces, no sensation in legs. She died after ten days.
 5. Poliomyelitis 
 Poliomyelitis or polio is an infectious viral disease affecting the central nervous system. Poliovirus causes poliomyelitis afflicting little children or infants with infantile paralysis.
 The three parts of the brain, medulla oblongata, pons varolii, that links with the medulla oblongata and contains numerous nerve tracts between the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord, and midbrain. The midbrain is the small portion of the brain stem, situated just below the pons varolii and pons varolii is just above the medulla oblongata. All these three parts are in a straight line and these form the brain stem.
 The polio virus is excreted in the faeces of an infected person and the disease is, therefore, most common where sanitation is poor. Polio may attack those who have not acquired immunity to the disease during infancy. Symptoms commence 7-12 days after infection. Polio virus is usually transmitted to man by the bite of a tick (a blood- sucking parasite - the tick bites can cause serious skin lesions, tick fever and occasionally paralysis and latter may attack the nervous system with inflammation of the brain and spinal cord). In poliomyelitis, there is fever, malaise, headache, sometimes diarrhoea and vomiting. But in some case there is severe rise of temperature with other symptoms similar to meningitis, with vomiting and diarrhoea and weakness of the muscles of the body. Paralysis may appear as the temperature subsides. Any part of the body can be affected by polio but it is mostly seen in the lower limbs which eventually become atrophied or emaciated. Therefore, it becomes necessary to give polio drops to the child at infancy stage.
 6. Paralysis agitans
 It is a chronic form of paralysis and is also called Parkinson's disease or shaking palsy. See Parkinsons's disease.
 7. Bulbar paralysis
 A paralysis of muscles of the mouth, tongue and throat resulting from a damage to the medulla oblongata.
 8. Bell's palsy
 Palsy is a term used for paralysis. Bell's palsy is the paralysis of the facial nerve, causing weakness of the muscles of one side of the face and inability to close the eye. In other words, Bell's palsy is a facial hemiparesis (paralysis of half side of the face) from oedema of the seventh cranial nerve. The cause is unknown, recovery normally occurs in due course of time. But it is difficult to cure, if it occurs just after the birth of the child. (Charles Bell, Scottish physician, 1774-1842).
 9. Post-diphtheritic paralysis 
 A paralysis following the attack of diphtheria. There is paralysis of vocal cords, throat and muscles of the upper respiratory tract. Death occurs within a few days, if not treated immediately. It is a serious kind of paralysis and difficult to cure. See case No. 551.
 10. Paresis 
 It is a partial, slight paralysis or muscular weakness of a limb with numbness, heaviness and crawling sensation in the affected part. The term is implied more for weakness than for paralysis.
 11. Spastic paralysis 
Causes : 
 Besides the causes said above under various types of paralysis, high blood pressure, or a damage to the nervous system with lesion, tumour or thrombosis may cause rupture of the blood vessel of the brain and complete paralysis of the whole body and eventual death. The other causes of paralysis are alcoholism, poisoning of blood by eating poisonous things, which damage the brain-stem.
 Cures : 
 - for paresis or paraesthesia of limb
 Weakness, numbness and prickling sensation in the limb caused by prolonged pressure on the nerve when the legs are crossed for long time:
 Acon, Aescul, Alet, Alfalfa, Alum, Ambra, Anac, Angust, Arg n, Avena, Bad, Bar c, Cact, Calc p, Carbo v, Caust, Chel, China, Coccul, Con, Crat, Curare, Dig, Gels, Helod, Irid, Kali c, Kali iod, Kali p, Kalm, Lathy, Nat m, Nux v, Onosm, Ox ac, Phos, Picr ac, Physost, Plat, Puls, Rhus t, Sec, Sumb, Thall.
 - for paralysis agitans (Parkinson's disease) 
 Agar, Avena, Bar c, Bufo, Con, Gels, Helod, Hyosc, Lathyr, Mang ac, Physost, Plumb m, Rhus t, Scutel, Sec, Zinc picr.
 - for bulbar paralysis 
 Acon, Agar, Anac, Arn, Ars, Bar c, Bell, Bothrops, Botulin 200, Caust, Colch, Con, Curare, Dulc, Gels, Guaco, Hyosc, Mez, Nat m, Mur ac, Nux m, Rhus t, Ruta, Senega, Stram, Zinc picr.
 - for Bell's palsy 
 Acon, Alum, Am phos, Bar c, Bell, Cadm s, Caust, Coccul, Curare, Dulc, Gels, Graph, Hyper, Kali iod, Kali m, Nat m, Rhus t, Ruta, Senega, Stram, Zinc picr.
 - for post-diphtheritic paralysis 
 Arg n, Arn, Ars, Aur mur, Avena, Botulin, Bar c, Caust, Coccul, Cupr, Diphth, Gels, Helon, Kali iod, Lach, Physost, Phyto, Plumb ac, Rhus t, Sec.
 - for hemiplegia left side 
 Alum, Ambra, Anac, Arnica, Ars, Bapt, Bell, Coccul, Cupr ars, Irid, Kali c, Lach, Lyc, Nux v, Oleand, Physost, Rhus t, Xanth.
 - for hemiplegia right side
 Arnica, Bell, Caust, Chel, Chenop, Curare, Elaps, Irid, Kalm, Lyc, Plumb m, Rhus t, Sec, Stram.
 - Paraplegia 
 Arg n, Bell, Caust, Coccul, Con, Cupr m, Curare, Gels, Hyper, Ign, Kali iod, Kali tart, Kalm, Lathyr, Mang ac, Nux v, Ox ac, Phos, Physost, Picr ac, Plumb ac, Rhust, Sec, Thall.
 - for paralysis of urinary bladder
 Ars, Bell, Cact, Caust, Dulc, Gels, Hyosc, Lach, Lyc, Nat m, Nux v, Opium.
 - for paralysis or prolapse of the rectum 
 Aloe, Alum, Caust, Colocy, Erig, Gels, Hyosc, Lyc, Mur ac, Naja, Nux v, Opium, Phos ac, Plumb m, Rhod, Sil;
 - for poliomyelitis 
 Acon, Aethu, Alum, Arnica, Bell, Calc c, Caust, Chrom s, Gels, Lathyr, Plumb m, Rhus t, Sec, Sul, Zinc p.


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